Web Server Configuration

The web configuration site can be accessed by navigating to the nodes IP address in the browser. The GeNetix product must be in the same IP address range as the connected browser device.

Only the 10Scene Store and GeNetix nodes have an on-board web server. GeNetix switch & splitter products are unmanaged.

Once connected, different configuration pages can be loaded by using the navigation menu on the left hand side of the page.

If viewed on a smaller device, this menu is automatically hidden and the "Hide/Show Menu" button can be pressed to view the menu.

Also shown within the page navigation is the current web server version and it’s release date.

System Overview

The system overview page enables the current configuration of the connected node to be viewed at a glance.

The current name, serial number, IP address, subnet mask, firmware version, and bootloader version can be viewed in the top overview module.

The node can be reconfigured quickly by pressing the "Quick Setup" button and then selecting one of the preset configurations.

Also shown on this page are each of the individual port settings currently applied on the node.

Each port has it’s own overview module, displaying the: port number, direction, status LED, port name, configuration type, and universe number.

System Overview Page
Figure 1. System Overview Page

Device Tree

At the bottom of the System Overview page is the web server device tree. The device tree allows for multiple nodes to be configured from a single connection in the browser.

Nodes can be added to the device tree by pressing the "+ Add GeNetix Device" button. When selected, entering the IP address of the new device and pressing "Add" will join the chosen node to the tree.

The root device (the node the browser is visiting) is always displayed on the very left of the device tree. The root device connection never changes.

To configure the remote node, simpy press the "Connect" button and the web page will instantaneously load the configuration from the chosen device.

GeNetix nodes can be removed from the device tree by pressing the "Remove" button.

Device trees can be exported and imported between nodes on the network.

To export a device tree select the "Export Device Tree" button. When pressed, a file will be downloaded containing a list of IP addresses of all nodes in the tree. The "Export Device Tree" function is only available once nodes have been added to the device tree.

To import a device tree select the "Import Device Tree" button. When pressed, choose the previously exported device tree file. The "Import Device Tree" function is only available if no nodes have been added to the device tree.

If configuring a remote device, a message is displayed at the top of the configuration site at all times.

GeNetix Device Tree
Figure 2. Device Tree Module


The device configuration page enables core system settings to be modified. Inside the configuration module, the node name, RDM setting and Lost Input Data settings can be changed.

Also found in the top module are additional options to toggle identify, the node LEDs and, if connected to the internet, check if a firmware upgrade is available for the node. These can be found by pressing the 3 vertical dot icon in the top right of the module.

Device Configuration
Figure 3. Device Configuration Module


The network configuration page allows for both the IP address & subnet mask of the node to be modified.

Changing the node IP address or subnet mask to a value outside of the reachable network range may disconnect the GeNetix node from the connected device. The web server will additionally confirm this action if detected.
Network Configuration
Figure 4. Network Configuration Module


The port configuration page allows for each of the node ports to be configured. Each port has it’s own configuration module and can be selected by clicking the circle select box to fine tune that ports settings.

Multiple ports can be configured at the same time by selecting the "Multi-Select Ports" option or by holding shift and then clicking on each port.

Once selected, the port’s: direction (in/out), name, output/input type, and universe number can be modified. Once adjusted to the desired configuration, the selected ports settings can be saved by pressing the "Save" button.

At all times the current port settings are displayed at the top of the page.

To quickly configure all ports on the connected node, the "Quick Configure" wizard button can be pressed in the top right of the page. This opens a module whereby a direction, output/input type and start universe are entered. When the "Configure Ports" button is pressed, the node is reconfigured to the desired settings, sequentially numbering the ports from the start universe entered.

When using "Quick Configure", if sACN is selected along with a start universe of 0, the system will auto-adjust the start universe to 1. 0 is not a supported start universe for sACN but is supported for Art-Net.
Ports Configuration
Figure 5. Port Configuration Page

DMX Timing

The DMX timing configuration page enables core timing values of the out-going DMX to be modified. Inside the configuration module, the separate: frame timing, MAB and break timing can be changed.

DMX Timing Configuration
Figure 6. DMX Timing Configuration Module


The scene configuration page allows for the on-board scenes to be recorded, erased, replaced, and basic settings modified.

At all times 10 slots are displayed on the page. If a slot is completely blank it is labelled "+ Add Scene", clicking the empty slot will record the current output of the node to that scene slot.

If a scene is recorded to that slot, the scene’s name and fade timing are displayed.

In the top right of each scene slot are controls to play (green triangle icon), replace/record over (red circle icon), and erase (white trash icon) that particular scene. When a scene is active, "ACTIVE" is displayed in the top left of that slot and the play icon is replaced with a stop (green square) icon.

To edit a recorded scene’s name or fade time, new values can be entered into the respective boxes. Hitting the "Save" button will save that scene’s new name and/or timing.

Supported on GeNetix GN5 & GeNetix GN10 nodes is the option for launching a scene when the 10Scene contact trigger pin is activated. On these products an additional module is shown at the bottom of the page allowing for this scene to be defined.

Scenes Configuration
Figure 7. Scenes Configuration Page

User Configs

The User Configs page allows for custom user configurations to be saved, recalled or cleared. As described in the User Configs chapter, the node settings can be saved to 1 of 10 slots allowing for quick reconfiguring of the node to user favourited settings.

User Configs
Figure 8. User Configs Module


The help & support page details the most recent GeNetix documentation location along with warranty and support contact information.

At the very bottom of the page are some details of the node model number, serial number, firmware version, bootloader version and web server application version.

These details may be useful if contacting ChamSys Support.

PIN Locking / Unlocking

When the GeNetix node is placed in a PIN locked state, the web configuration page can be unlocked by entering the correct 4-digit pin into the unlock module.

When entered correctly the web page will automatically refresh, enabling configuration from the web page.

If the PIN is entered incorrectly the page is locked for a few seconds, not allowing any further PIN attempts until the timer has expired. On further failed PIN attempts the lockout time is increased.

PIN Locked
Figure 9. PIN Entry Module

Error Messages

When an error occurs the web configuration page will blank all controls and present one of the following error codes.


The web page can no longer connect or the connection was refused to the GeNetix node. This can occur if the node is powered off but the web page is still loaded.

Typically rebooting the node will reestablish an active connection.


The web page was able to establish a connection to the node but the data returned to the browser has failed the validation check.

Please contact ChamSys Support if experiencing this error.