Pixel mapping

MagicHD pixel mapping is enabled from version

DMX output is supported from MagicHD when running from within MagicQ.

The video output, or a specific layer, can be applied over a two-dimensional grid of lighting fixtures.

  • Uses the 'GRID' window inside MagicQ software

  • Up to 10 grids and and 64 universes of output (or 127 with a dongle connected)

  • Individual MagicHD layers can be mapped to each grid

  • Width, height, position and colour adjustment per grid

  • Intensity adjustment per grid

  • Pixel mapping enable/disable and intensity macros can be added to cues

  • Ability to run pixelmapping without the video output window open

  • Up to 10 grids

  • Maximum grid width and height of 1024

  • Not supported on standalone MagicHD

Console Support

As well as the PC download of MagicQ, pixel mapping is inluded in the MQ500.

There is currently no option to send MagicHD output directy to the external monitor on consoles, however you can use the 'MAGICHD PIXMAP' window to preview the output (see the 'Advanced settings' section below).

Getting started

The best way to start is by using MagicQ to load the demos/Training.shw show, as this already has 1 grid.

You will need to setup a new media server - go to 'MEDIA' and double click on the next empty server, "Server 2", choose "MagicHD".

Open the visualiser so you can verify that everything is working - use the top meu bar to select 'Visualiser' > 'View visualiser'. You will need to turn beams off as this makes the pixel mapping easier to see; go to 'File' > 'Settings' in the visualiser and check "Don’t draw any beams".

Back in the 'MEDIA' window, select "MagicHD", "Output" and click on 'LOCATE', then select "Layer 1" and click on 'LOCATE'. This will turn on a test card.

Go to the 'OUTPUTS' > 'VIEW PLAN' window. Click on encoder E to turn on the pixelmapper for grid 1. You may have to wait a few seconds while MagicHD starts up in the background; you should then see the test card in the visualiser.

Advanced settings

The steps above use encoder E in the 'OUTPUTS' window to turn on pixel mapping; this will use the default settings: output layer, full size and full intensity.

For more control you will need to open the 'MAGICHD PIXMAP' window from the top menubar, under 'Window' (Alt + 'MEDIA' on consoles). This window shows a preview of MagicHD inside MagicQ, allowing you to view any layer without requiring the video output window to be open.

This window has three modes:


Shows the current MagicHD output. Use encoder A to switch between layers.


Use encoder A to switch between grids, and encoder B to turn pixel mapping on or off for the selected grid.

The rest of the encoders allow setting the MagicHD layer, flipping, colour and intensity adjustment.

The window will show a full size preview of the selected layer, overlayed with boxes representing the posistion and size of the grid. By default the grid is applied over the entire video area.


This allows you to adjust the dimensions of the grid. The preview area zooms in to show just the area of the video being applied to the grid.

No preview will be shown if MagicHD is not running. See the 'Starting MagicHD' section below.

Cue macros

PX 1/0 turns off pixel mapping for grid one.

PX 1/100 turns on pixel mapping for grid one and sets intensity to 100%.

PX 2/50 turns on pixel mapping for grid two and sets intensity to 50%.

DMX output priority

Pixel mapping output overrides all other playbacks controlling the same DMX channels.

Starting MagicHD

The MagicHD engine will automatically start in the background when a show is opened with pixel mapping enabled for at least one of its grids. Otherwise, it will start the first time pixel mapping is turned on, or when the output window is opened.