Version 4 Change Notes

v4.7 Stable

  • Only released for Mac OS.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where QuickQ Designer would not open on Mac OS 10.15.3 (Catalina update 3).

v4.6 Stable

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed QuickQ Rack 10Scene button refresh. This was broken in v4.5.

v4.5 Stable

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed DMX factory test in startup menu.

v4.4 Stable

User Interface Changes

  • The screen saver could interfere with DMX output so it has been replaced with a new one.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Remote App WiFi connection reset in Android v9. This seems to have mostly affected Samsung Galaxy phones.

  • Fix issue where the DMX output could occasionally send the wrong values.

  • Fix issue where users could not 'Record Merge' with a Cue that had been recorded using 'Record All'.

  • Fix backups to ensure that show data is not lost when the console resets.

  • Reduce timing jitter in DMX outputs.

  • Fix issue where the Add Fixtures Dialog would patch the wrong RGB LED fixture.

  • Fix issue where editing long Cue Stacks could reset the console.

  • Fix issue where QuickQ Rack would sometimes miss button pushes on the front panel.

  • Fix unreliable sound to light on QuickQ 10 consoles. Sometimes disabling Audio In on one chase would also disable it on the other.

v4.3 Stable

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where installed head files would be patched instead of heads from a user supplied heads.all file.

  • Fix the 'RGB LED' button in the Add Fixtures dialog.

  • Fix default chase names on QuickQ 10 Consoles.

v4.2 Stable

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where fixtures with virtual dimmers could not be deleted in the Patch Window.

  • Fix issue where fixtures without intensity control could not be added to a Layout.

v4.1 Stable

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where faders did not return to 0 properly when they were pulled down quickly.

  • Fix flashing faders issues. The LEDs above the faders will flash when the fader is not at the level of the fixture, group or cue that it is controlling. They should stop flashing once they are moved to the right level. This was not working properly.

v4.0 Stable

New Features

10Scene Wall Panels

  • QuickQ v4 introduces support for the ChamSys 10Scene wall panel system. The 10Scene wall panel has 10 buttons which can control the first 10 items on the execute page. If the Execute grid size is set to 10x1 then there is an option in the menu to view how the 10Scene panel will be laid out. Setting the access level to operator will make the Home page the 10Scene view.

Hot Takeover

  • Other consoles can take control of the lighting rig from QuickQ using ArtNet, sACN or PathPort. If Allow other consoles to control this universe is switched on in the DMX Settings Window then when QuickQ detects incoming data it will relinquish control and output the received DMX data from the DMX ports. When the external console is disconnected QuickQ will return to controlling the lighting rig as normal. When QuickQ has relinquished control it displays an icon in the toolbar.

Fixture Library Updates

  • It is now possible to update the whole fixture library supplied with QuickQ. Download the heads.all file from and copy it onto a USB stick, then go to the Files window in QuickQ and click on Install Fixture Library File. Select the file and the fixture library will be installed onto the console. To revert back to the installed fixture library click on Remove User Fixture Files. The release date of the installed fixture library is shown in the Files window. New releases of QuickQ include the fixture library that was current on the day the software was released.

Other New Features

  • Take more control with QuickQ. When a playback is recorded with no intensity information the fader will fade in all attributes and effects. This makes 'fly out' effects easy to achieve, and allows quick control of effects sizes.

  • The Wifi Settings window now has a Save to USB Stick button. This will save a .png file with the QR code, and also 2 PDF files in A4 and US Letter sizes with the QR code that can be printed out.

  • Playbacks with timecode cue stacks on them will automatically activate when timecode is received.

User Interface Changes

  • The top bar now shows MIDI Timecode. Clicking on the timecode will open the Cue Stack window for the timecode playback.

  • The Actions menu now spread over 2 lines if all the buttons do not fit on one line. #20383

  • The Layout window no longer attempts to rearrange items. The grid system does a better job of that.

  • The Update window has been redesigned in order to make it clearer. If the software is aware of a new software release it will show a banner at the top of the Update window, and display a notification when the console is powered up.

  • The console software can now be updated from within the QuickQ application. In the Update window the Update Software button now shows a file chooser dialog allowing users to select a .cdq installer file which will then be installed. The installation can not be stopped once it has started. The software will restart once the installation is successfully completed. This can be done from the Remote App, but the USB stick with the new .cdq file should still be inserted into the console or QuickQ Rack.

  • Wired network settings can now be changed from the Remote App.

  • QuickQ will show a notification when it connects to the Remote App if there is a new software release available.

  • The Cue Stack Window ensures that the next cue is always visible.

Bug Fixes

  • The was an issue where the faders could occasionally 'flicker' slightly, causing the UI to flicker, and stopping the screen saver from working. This is now fixed.

  • Fix issue where setting a cue comment in the Cue Stack window on the Remote App didn’t work.

  • Fix drag’n’drop in the Cue Stack window on the Remote App.