File Management

QuickQ stores data in a number of different files, and offers tools to help you manage those files.

Files Window

Show Files

QuickQ stores your shows in files with the .shw extension. A show called Panto would be stored in a file called Panto.shw. Extra data such as audio files are stored in a file with the .xhw extension. This would be called Panto.xhw for our show. When QuickQ loads a .shw file it looks for a .xhw file with the same name in the same place and loads that as well if it finds it.

QuickQ .shw files are compatible with the ChamSys MagicQ software. If you load a MagicQ show into QuickQ it may need to adjust settings and remove some data. When it has finished loading the file QuickQ will pop up a dialog box to tell you what changes it has made.

Saving Your Show

When you want to save a show file that you have already named press > Files > Save Show. If you want to save it under a new name press > Files > Save Show As, then enter the new name.

We recommend that you save your show regularly. Always save before making big changes, that way you can go back if you don’t like the change.

Saving to a USB Stick

If you wish to move your show to another console or edit it using the QuickQ Designer PC software you can save the show to a USB Stick, press > Files > Backup Show to USB. A message will pop up when QuickQ has finished saving the .shw and .xhw files and it is safe to remove the USB stick.

QuickQ always checks that it has successfully saved the files to the USB Stick. If it shows an error after trying to save the files try a different USB Stick.

Loading a Show

To load a show that is saved in the console press > Files > Load Show, then select the file to load. To load from a USB Stick insert the USB Stick, press the same Load Show and then select from the top bar of the Load Show Dialog.

Fixture Files

QuickQ has data on thousands of different types of fixtures. When new fixtures are released ChamSys will add them to their fixture library and release a new version of the library. A new version of the fixture library is released every working day.

The fixture library is held in a file called heads.all and the latest version can be downloaded from the QuickQ support page.. The Files Window shows the creation date of the fixture library that QuickQ is using.

If your fixture is not found on the console first check the list of all available fixture files.

If a fixtures file is not yet created, please post a request on our Bugtracker System and we will build it for you.

Installing the Fixture Library

To install the new library onto a console first download the heads.all file and copy it onto a USB stick. In QuickQ press > Files > Install Fixture Library File and select the heads.all file in the dialog. The new fixture library will then be installed onto the console. QuickQ will not use fixture library files that were released before the installed software was released.

We always recommend downloading and using the latest fixture library.

Installing A Single .hed File

The ChamSys MagicQ software can be used to create custom fixture files (.hed files) which can then be used on QuickQ. Press > Files > Install Head File to install one for use. When you 'add Fixtures' QuickQ will always prefer a custom .hed file over the library fixtures. Press > Files > Remove User Head Files to remove any .hed files you’ve installed.

Making Space

The Files Window shows how much space is left on the console for storing files. When space gets low it will warn you that there is not much room left. To free up space press > Files > Remove Old Backup Files. This will carefully remove any backup and .xhw files that are no longer needed and should free up some space. If you want to free up more space or remove some audio files you can use the File Manager Window.

The File Manager Window

Press > Files > File Manager to open the File Manager window. In this window you remove files by clicking on Action then selecting the files then clicking the dustbin. The audio files can be found by the clicking the directory called Audio.

Within the File Manager window you can also choose to load a .sbk file as a .shw file. These files are displayed with a green icon next to them.