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MIDI Notes and Timecode

The QuickQ 20, 30 and Rack support MIDI notes and MIDI timecode via the inbuilt MIDI port enabling users to control Playbacks from external software. MIDI is always enabled.

MIDI Timecode

The incoming MIDI timecode signal can be viewed within the Settings Window. Once connected, the current timecode value will be displayed in the lower left corner (shown below).


With timecode values being read by the console, MIDI timecode can be enabled on individual cue stacks by pressing the menu button, selecting “cue stack options” and enabling “Use MIDI Timecode”. Once enabled, timecode values can be inserted into the wait field by double tapping within the cell. The cue will now wait to read the defined time before activating.

MIDI Notes

MIDI notes are pre-set on QuickQ with Playbacks 1-10 responding to MIDI notes 60 to 69 . Send a MIDI note-on signal to activate (turn on) and a note-off signal to release (turn off) each Playback. MIDI Velocity is used to set the playback level when sending the note on/off messages.


To activate (turn on) Playback 1 at 100% send MIDI Note 60 ON with velocity 127. To activate (turn on) Playback 2 at 50% send MIDI Note 61 ON with velocity 64. To release (turn off) Playback 1 send MIDI Note 60 OFF with any velocity. To release (turn off) Playback 2 send MIDI Note 61 OFF with any velocity.

From QuickQ version 6 onwards it is possible to also control the GO and Pause buttons for each of the 10 playbacks. A note starting at note 72 to 81 will control the GO button, moving up an octave starting at note 84 to 93 will control the Pause buttons for playbacks 1-10.

A note off command must be sent for the corresponding note, before the note on can be sent again to activate the GO and Pause. For example: sending MIDI Note 72 ON will press GO on Playback 1, a Note 72 OFF must then be sent before sending another Note 72 ON to GO on Playback 1 again.