Setting Up Your Show
To set up a new show in 3 steps:
Starting a New Show File
Open the Files Window
Save your old show first! Use the Save Show or to save to a different name use Save Show As. Have a look at the File Management chapter for more about loading and saving shows. |
In the Files Window, Press New Show. This clears the current show file from active memory – saved shows still remain stored on the console storage drive if you have saved them and can be reloaded using Load Show. Confirm by selecting Yes.
Once a new show has been started the console will automatically open the Patch Window.
Patching Fixtures
"Patching" is the process to tell QuickQ consoles what fixtures you want connected to which faders and to tell the console to use a particular file "fixture file" to translate our commands on the console into levels understood by the fixture. We also have to tell the console which DMX channels the fixture expects communication on.
We do this by assigning a DMX start address on the physical fixture, picking a fixture operating mode, and matching this during patching. This is typically done when we first set the fixtures up, by using their onboard menu systems described in the fixture’s manual. We also need to know which "Universe" of DMX the fixture is plugged into so we can match this with the DMX universe ports on the console.
Most fixtures have multiple modes. When choosing to set a mode for the physical fixture for the first time, take the time to read the fixture’s manual and pick one that is not too complex nor too simple. One that gives you access to the fixture features you expect to be able to control without many that you don’t and may complicate or slow your programming. |
The QuickQ fixture library contains over 45,000 different fixture files. The Fixture Files chapter has information on what to do if you can not find the fixture you need. The console software contains the library that was current at the time the software was created. Even if you have just updated your console software, you should download and install the most recent fixture library.
Patching Step by Step
QuickQ guides you through steps to patch fixtures. Just follow along the steps in the Patch Window.
First, address and assign modes on your fixtures in your lighting rig, gather the information together, then open the Patch Window from the main menu:
Press the + button on the lower right-hand side of the Patch Window.
If you have just installed new console software or a new fixture library, the '+' key may be showing a spinning icon. Once QuickQ has finished loading the new index of fixtures it will stop spinning. It should take less than a minute. |
Find your the fixtures you want to control by using the "Find" view.
There are two views ‘Quick’ and ‘Find Fixtures’. ‘Quick’ will list previously patched fixtures previous shows and simple fixtures like dimmers or RGB LED fixtures. |
Entering ‘Chauvet Mav’ would filter the library to show all fixtures manufactured by Chauvet and in the Maverick range. Entering ‘sharpy’ for example would show all fixtures in the library called Sharpy, for example Clay Paky, Sharpy. |
Select the Manufacturer, Fixture and Mode from the 3 boxes below the search box.
Enter the console universe that the fixtures are connected to.
QuickQ will automatically assign the fixtures into the lowest available DMX address. If you would like to enter a different DMX address, enter it in the “Start Address” field. |
Finally, enter the quantity of this type of fixture to be patched and press the Patch button on the lower right of the window.
If you have addressed your lighting rig sequentially, then this will save you time as you can patch several fixtures of the same type at once. QuickQ will automatically calculate the incremental DMX address offsets based on the number of channels for the fixtures mode. If not, it is still possible to patch one at a time. |
RDM Auto Patch
Manual patching as above can be automated if your fixtures have RDM built in. To use RDM Auto patch in the Patch Window select
RDM on QuickQ consoles is primarily used to detect the current lighting rig set up (It will detect universe, address and mode of fixtures). However, when using the RDM auto patch function QuickQ consoles will automatically readdress any fixtures with conflicting DMX addresses. QuickQ consoles will not change the fixtures mode. QuickQ consoles do not allow custom setting of fixture addresses and modes via RDM. |
Advanced Patching Features
Renumbering Fixtures
Renumbering fixtures will reassign them to the fixture faders. If you have already filled all of your fixture faders then you will need to "make room" by renumbering an existing fixture above 20 (on the QuickQ 10 and QuickQ 20, or above 40 on the QuickQ 30) will free up the fixture fader first. These "moved" fixtures will still be operable from the Intensity Window and from the Home Window or can be recorded to Groups and operated from the Multifunction Faders in Group mode.
Naming Fixtures
QuickQ uses creates a name for the fixture by default. This name is used on the Home screen and you can change it from the default to a name that is useful for you.
It is recommended that you name the fixture based on its location and/or purpose (Front Light , Back Light , X light SL ).
Single fixtures can be renamed by pressing and holding or double tapping on the fixture name. Enter or edit the name in the rename dialogue.
To rename multiple fixtures: - Press Action. - Select fixtures in the patch list by clicking one by one. - Then press Rename in the action menu bar at top of window. - Enter or edit the name in the Rename dialogue.
Changing DMX Addresses of Patched Fixtures
Single fixtures can be readdressed by pressing and holding or double tapping on the DMX Address in the Patch Window. Enter the new start address in the Set DMX Address dialogue. Fixtures can be moved to another Universe too. If a mistake is made and the address is already in use, select Find first free address and a solution will be found for you. Then match this address on the physical fixture.
To change DMX address of multiple fixtures:
Select the Action.
Select fixtures in the patch list by clicking one by one.
Then, select Repatch from the action menu bar at top of window.
Enter a new start address for the first fixture. QuickQ will automatically calculate the incremental DMX address offsets based on the number of channels for the fixtures mode. If a mistake is made and the address is already in use, select Find first free address and a solution will be found for you. Then match this address on the physical fixture.
Inverting Pan and Tilt
If fixtures that have pan and tilt functions are hung backwards in the rig, one or more may have their pan and/or tilt adjusted by clicking in the box to add a checkmark in the relevant option. For example if not all of your fixtures pan to stage left when you adjust the pan encoder in the position window, then flip the pan on the affected fixtures. Only fixtures with Pan and/or Tilt functions will show a check box in the Patch Window.
You can adjust pan and tilt flip to ensure your encoder wheels work the way you want then to, so that when you move the encoder clockwise the fixtures all move in the direction you expect. |
Removing Fixtures
Fixture can be removed from the patch either one at a time or multiples at once:
Select the Action.
Select fixtures in the patch list by clicking.
Press [ image::icon_rubbish.png[] ] to delete the selected fixtures.
This will erase any programmed cues and effects as well as patch and Home Window Layout for these particular fixtures. |
Creating a Layout
The Layout Window is used to create a simple layout of your lighting rig, where fixtures can be selected and levels and colour information can be viewed.
Patched Fixtures will appear in the top section of the home window between the two orange lines.
To create a layout:
Unlock the window by clicking on [ ].
Drag fixture icons onto the centre section of the Layout Window to create a layout.
Zoom in or out by pinching and fine-tune fixture positions.
A grid can be turned on or off from the Grid button to assist with positioning.
Lock the Layout Window when finished by clicking on [ ] to prevent editing the layout by mistake.
If you have created groups of fixtures on the Group Faders these will appear in the top line of the home window. Touch the text Groups (in the top section of the home window between the two orange lines) to view the Groups. Use the same method above to move groups out on the Layout.